Welcome to our video library
Here are a few videos to help you set up and maintain your trap, along with case studies showing our traps in action.
Rachel had a rat problem
This is a collection of Rat and Mice footage showing the Goodnature A24 rat & mouse trap operating using a quick-kill method.Melissa had a rat problem.
Melissa had a rat problem. Her compost was infested with rats. Each time she lifted the lid to add her food scraps in, she would see rats scurrying away. Her solution? A Goodnature A24 self-resetting rat trap. She took a few simple steps to get her rat problem under control.Jonathan had a rat problem
Jonathan had a rat problem. Right outside his window he watched four rats climbing in and out of his rubbish bag. His solution? A Goodnature A24 self-resetting rat trap. Jonathan took a few simple steps to get his rat problem under control.Learn More
Goodnature & The Kaua‘i Forest Bird Recovery Project
The Kaua‘i Forest Bird Recovery Project is an organization that promotes awarness and conservation of the native forest birds of Kaua‘i, Hawaii.Automatic Lure Pump
Imagine a toxin-free quick-kill trapping network that removes all sign of rats, keeps them at zero levels of detection and only requires two trap visits per year. Goodnature presents you the amazing new Automatic Lure Pump.Goodnature Lure Tasters
Goodnature Lure Tasters are essential tools to maximize your rat trapping success. Learn how the cards help you find the best places to set your A24 rat traps.
Saving wildlife one trap at a time
We truly believe New Zealand will one day be pest-free and it will be due to all kiwis sharing in that vision and working towards it.Waiokotore Stream – Whio
Goodnature self-resetting traps were installed in the Waiokotore stream 6 years ago to help protect whio from stoat predation. On our most recent trip, ALP's were installed for 6 months of hands free lure dispensing.Waiariki Bay of Plenty Polytechnic - Goodnature vs Victor
A research project undertaken by a student from the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic comparing the effectiveness of self-resetting predator kill traps versus traditional single-action traps currently used in most national conservation efforts has produced staggering results.
Four dead mice in one night
In recent trials over 80% of the pests killed were scavenged from under the Goodnature traps within 3 weeks and over half within 48 hours. Has your Goodnature trap caught more than you think?Clear shroud mouse kill
The clear shroud on this Goodnature A24 trap allows you to see how quickly and humanely mice are killed when they brush past the highly sensitive Goodnature leaf trigger.A24 traps save turtles
Endangered sea turtles hatching on Maria Langa Key, south of Puerto Rico, are again safely making it to the sea thanks to the removal of rats using Goodnature A24s.
Native Island rat control
Goodnature multi-kill traps have eradicated rats from Native Island - a world first! The traps control any re-invading rats so the island is a haven for native species.
Goodnature A24 Trap – Installation
The Goodnature A24 trap is simple to install. This video walks you through each step to set you up for trapping success.
Automatic Lure Pump – Installation
The Auto Lure Pump (ALP) is the latest advancement in Goodnature’s world-leading conservation technology. These instructions explain how to first activate and then install the ALP into your A24 so your trap stays constantly attractive with fresh lure for 6 months without any need for maintenance visits.
Digital Stike Counter – Installation
The Goodnature Digital Strike Counter reveals the work your A24 and A12 traps are doing independent of scavenging events. Learn how to fit one to your trap and also catch our essential maintenance tips.
Installing your Home Trapping Kit
The Goodnature Home Trapping Kit is quick and easy to install. Watch our easy installation video.Attaching an A24 to a Trap Stand
Whether you purchased an A24 Trap Stand separately or with the Home Trapping Kit, we've got you covered. Learn how to install your trap stand to the A24.